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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pemakaman Ainun Habibie

Hotel di Ciamis - The late former First Lady Hasri Ainun Habibie is an influential figure in the family. This influence is felt, especially when accompanied her husband while serving as president in the transitional period the new order to the Era of Reform.

Ciamis - It is spoken member of the Presidential Advisory Council Asshiddiqie Ainun funeral procession ended at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in South Jakarta, Tuesday (05/25/2010).

When Habibie's leadership in the reform period, a lot of things uncomfortable for Habibie, who was appointed President. Especially when he attended the General Session of the Assembly to deliver accountability.

At that time, Jimly explained, members of the Assembly has stood from his chair screaming. "Of course, Mr. Habibie at the time to toughen up. But he's feeling very stirred. The calm him, of course ma'am Ainun. If there was no Mrs. Ainun certainly hard too," she said.

At that time, still accompanied Jimly Habibie and his wife until around 1:00 pm, to await a decision responding to reports pertanggungjawabab President of the Assembly. "Upon hearing the final decision (MPR rejects LPJ President), he (Habibie) felt a pang. In situ Bu Ainun, once functioned as a sedative. So, Mr. Habibie to accept the reality that exists and as a leader can be tough," he said.

Lots Ainun role in directing, assisting, and supporting Habibie's success in his career. Ainun also has a good personality. "Gentle, never angry, ngomongnya also quietly subtle, so everyone was happy when near him," he said.

"He was very influential in the family. But he never interfere in the affairs of which are the responsibility of her husband," she added

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hp Nokia

Hotel di Bogor - Entertainment viens de recevoir un ensemble beaucoup plus intéressant et abordable avec l'introduction de la nouvelle gamme de téléphones Nokia, le 2690, le 1800 et le 7230.

Bogor - a dévoilé cette série de communications complète soufflé et appareils de divertissement dans une manifestation de lancement dans la capitale le 13 avril, où Ovi Chat, une application gratuite à l'adresse de messagerie instantanée (IM) aux besoins des consommateurs, a également été lancé.

Ovi Chat apporte ordinateur comme sur le Chat expérience dans les combinés mobiles. En Ovi Chat, une fois qu'un utilisateur dans leur liste de contacts ou la liste Ovi Mail de contact est automatiquement transféré sur le téléphone.

Ovi Chat simplifie la facilité d'utilisation des clients de messagerie instantanée mobile, y compris des caractéristiques telles que la mise rapidement le statut et la disponibilité, ou de paramètres de confidentialité, un communiqué de presse publié vendredi.

Il a déclaré les utilisateurs peuvent exprimer leurs émotions à travers un large éventail d'émoticônes et de rester connectés avec leurs proches par la conversation continue. Ovi Chat est disponible gratuitement dans tous les Nokia Series 40 et Series 60 combinés.

«Nous savons que les Bangladais aiment se retrouver entre amis et famille et Adda! Ovi Chat se connecter et d'inspirer des centaines et des milliers d'utilisateurs de messagerie Ovi au Bangladesh d'exercer en ligne en continu" Adda "ou la conversation," Prem Chand, directeur général de Nokia émergents Asie, a déclaré.

"Nous avons lancé Ovi Mail, libre d'identité électronique bracelets qui peuvent être créés directement à partir de téléphones mobiles en Juin 2009 et la réponse a été phénoménale.

"Le Bangladesh est aujourd'hui l'un des premiers pays au niveau mondial pour les utilisateurs de messagerie Ovi et le lancement d'Ovi Chat est la prochaine étape de Nokia pour connecter les utilisateurs Ovi Mail et créer une dynamique de messagerie instantanée de la communauté.

"Nokia a toujours été de relier les gens. Nous sommes tous au sujet de permettre à chacun de rester en contact et profiter au maximum de chaque instant. Ovi Chat nous l'espérons, faire sa part en rapprochant les citoyens" at-il ajouté.

Ovi Chat fait partie de l'offre de messagerie instantanée globale de Nokia disponible pour les téléphones Series60 pour le moment. Grâce à Nokia solution de messagerie instantanée, il est possible d'avoir plusieurs conversations en même temps dans plusieurs communautés, tels que Windows Live, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, etc

"Bientôt, nous allons rendre la solution de messagerie instantanée globale disponible en série 40 combinés, ainsi," a dit Chand.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Barack Obama

Hotel di Bekasi - The demand for quick action to handle the spread of oil spills that voiced by the Secretary of Homeland Security United States Janet Napolitano, who urged BP to mobilize more resources to cope with disasters. 

Bekasi - British energy company was also criticized by President Barack Obama Affair and Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal. Viscous crude oil spill had reached the Louisiana coast and threaten the territorial sea from three states in the United States. Up to 5,000 barrels of oil were spilled into the sea every day after Deepwater offshore oil platform operated by BP Horizon exploded and collapsed last week.

Flora and fauna - Analysts call this disaster will be able to match the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989 which is the worst oil spill disasters in U.S. history. State of Mississippi and Alabama followed suit in Louisiana and Florida declared a state of emergency. Animal rescue groups began collecting the first victim of sea-birds that are satisfied by crude oil.

Deteriorating weather hampered efforts to isolate the length of the spread of oil has now reached more than 200 km. Ripples of the sea waves make the oil flowing through the floating barrier equipment deployed to protect the coastline. And weather forecasters say strong winds could push oil to flow into sewers, lakes and ponds in southeastern Louisiana region this weekend.

Domestic Security Minister flew to Louisiana on Friday to meyampaikan loud message to BP oil platform that's hiring. "We continue to urge BP to mobilize additional resources to lead the effort to overcome this disaster," said Napolitano.

He said that after several unsuccessful attempts to close the hole kebocorang, now is the time "BP increase resource mobilization." President Barack Obama announced that approximately 1900 workers and more than 300 support ships and aircraft were deployed to disaster areas.

In a written statement the White House, the president said that BP "ultimately responsible ... to fund the operations of handling and cleaning."

President Barack Obama said it has asked Interior Minister Ken Zalazar to perform "in-depth review" of this disaster and provide a report which includes efforts to prevent the incident occurred again within 30 days. While this flow of crude oil spills from reaching waters of Louisiana, Governor Jindal said that British oil companies were apparently not prepared for the cleanup operation.

"I'm worried that BP is not enough resources," he said. A civil court action has been taken to court by the fishermen and this will be followed by other civil court action. BP spokeswoman Sheila Williams told the AFP news agency that the energy company was ready to pay the operating costs of cleaning and also for compensation.

Director of BP, Doug Suttles, said it had made "the greatest handling operations ever undertaken in the world." BP says it has started to use the tools below the ocean to solve the source of oil leakage. The company also has deployed a remotely controlled vehicle to cover a pipeline under the sea, but until now have not shown results.

BP also has made a new well to slow the leak, although the experts look at this step could take up to three months. Two Hercules transport plane C-130 aircraft will join the civilian chemical spray. U.S. Navy and the Louisiana National Guard also were deployed.

The fishermen - are at risk of losing sources of livelihood caused by this oil spill has also been asked to join in the operation. Swampy area off the coast of Louisiana into hundreds of species of wildlife habitats and is very important for the seafood industry and fisheries. The cause of the explosion which caused 11 oil rigs missing workers are still unclear.

Then came the news that BP last year down the possibility of the bridge disaster occurred. According to the AP, in the plans offshore oil exploration wells were made in 2009 suggesting the company was an oil spill is almost impossible or even unlikely. The U.S. government on Friday said the delay all oil drilling in new offshore oil spill disaster to the cause of this investigation. Last month, President Obama loosen a moratorium on new offshore oil drilling.